
09, November 2014

Hepatitis B is a blood borne virus which can cause chronic liver disease and cancer of the liver. It is passed on through sexual transmission, blood products and from mother to child. If you are at persistant risk of exposure to hepatitis B then vaccination is recommended, a full hepatitis B course involves 3 vaccinations over a 6 month period.

HPV vaccination

The Gardasil HPV vaccinations protect against infection with four HPV types. Gardasil protects against the types of HPV that cause 7 out of 10 of all cervical cancers.

Over 99% effective in preventing pre-cancerous lesions associated with HPV types 16 and 18 in young women.

  • 99% effective in preventing genital warts associated with HPV types 6 and 11.
  • The vaccine also gives some protection against infection from other HPV types not included in the vaccine.
  • Vaccination is less effective in females who have already been infected with one or more of the HPV vaccine types.

Gardasil may not fully protect everyone, nor will it protect against diseases caused by other HPV types or against diseases not caused by HPV. Gardasil does not prevent all types of cervical cancer, so it’s important for women to continue routine cervical cancer screenings.

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