STI clinic blog

What’s normal post birth
14, May 2015

Luscious lips are not just a concern for Kylie Jenner. Many women secretly worry about their lady bits especially when pregnancy and birth makes everything look all together different down below.

 The Labia consists of two “lips” the inner smaller labia minora and the outer larger labia majora. Like all parts of the body these can come in many different sizes, …

STI Clinic Dublin-Security
20, April 2015

Working in Himerus Health not much surprises us.  We have generally heard it all.  Most people come in really afraid and nervous and leave feeling a whole lot better.  Often because they realise that what the have is entirely treatable, or that they haven’t what they thought they had .  Sometimes  even just chatting to us and realising that they …

STI Clinic Dublin- YES!
15, April 2015

Himerus Health is strongly in favour of a YES vote on the up coming referendum for same sex marriage.  We support equality and do not think that loving someone of the same sex should deny you the right to marriage.  We also think it is important that children of parents who are in same sex relationships are afforded the same …

STI Clinic Dublin- STI radio chat
15, April 2015

Last week Dr Loy from Himerus Health was on the radio chatting with the lovely Spin 103.8 team about Himerus Health. If you want to listen back click here