Luscious lips are not just a concern for Kylie Jenner. Many women secretly worry about their lady bits especially when pregnancy and birth makes everything look all together different down below.
The Labia consists of two “lips” the inner smaller labia minora and the outer larger labia majora. Like all parts of the body these can come in many different sizes, shapes, textures and colours. With access to pornography the expectations of many women and men as to how labia should look is sometimes unrealistic.
Some women may worry that they are not normal because of extra skin or differences in length or because the inner lips protrude outside the outer lips, but these are all normal variations.
During pregnancy the labia can change in many ways and as pregnancy progresses they can become more swollen and change colour to reddish/purplish as baby puts pressure on the genital area.
Vaginal child birth may also lead to stretching and tears. While stitching post birth can rectify most of the cosmetic issues some women are left with pain, discomfort or can be dissatisified with how they look.
If it is mostly a cosmetic concern the best option is to voice concerns and find out if it is a normal variation via your GP or gynacologist. Communication with partners, who gererally don’t worry too much about the look of their partner’s vulva, can often improve body image and confidence in the bedroom. Learning to love your body with all its quirks will ultimately be the most beneficial outcome.
Whilst kengal exercises are vital to maintain and improve the pelvic floor muscles they do not change the cosmetic appearance of the vulva. Some women may need surgery on the labia called labiaplasty, and this is often performed by a gynacologist or occasionally a plastic surgeon. Labiaplasty is an invasive operation and is not without risks and discomfort. Sometimes there is good reason for having a labiaplasty such as if there is pain or discomfort, incontinence issues post birth or significant distress regarding the cosmetic look of the labia.
Sometimes rashes lumps bumps, warts, and discreet areas of colour change on the labia are not normal and should be looked at by your GP or a Genito-Urinary Medicine Specialist.