Genital Warts Treatment in Dublin

We are a private STI clinic in Dublin that specialises in treating and removing genital warts. Book your appointment today.

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Or contact us:

Call: (087) 297 1788


“Genital warts can be uncomfortable and distressing, but effective treatments are available.”

– Dr Loy

“Very discreet service…Highly recommended.”

“Definitely worth going private.”


Routine STI screen and cryotherapy for warts (first wart consultation)€180.00
HPV/Wart treatment, follow up treatment.€100.00

What are the different treatment options?

Genital warts removal generally consists of a combination of treatments often tailored to the individual’s treatment response. This could involve:

– Cryotherapy

– Prescription medication

What are genital warts?

Genital warts are a common sexually transmitted infection caused by certain strains of the human papillomavirus (HPV).

They appear as small growths or bumps on the genital and anal areas. While they can be uncomfortable and distressing, effective treatments are available. They are not harmful and are mostly a cosmetic issue, the strain that causes warts is different to the strains that cause cancers such as cervical cancer.

Can you get rid of genital warts forever?

While treatment can remove visible genital warts, the underlying human papillomavirus (HPV) that causes them may remain in your body until your own immune system clears it.

This means that warts can potentially come back. However, regular monitoring and treatment can help get rid of the warts, whilst awaiting the virus to clear.

A healthy immune system can often suppress or clear the virus over time, leading to HPV clearance.

Is there a cure for genital warts?

There is currently no cure for the human papillomavirus (HPV), the virus that causes genital warts.

But there are effective treatments available to remove visible warts and manage symptoms.

Can genital warts be removed at home?

We always recommend consulting a medical professional for treating genital warts we have higher rates of success compared to home treatment.
